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​Jodo Shinshu garden

Expressing the path to the Paradise Pure Land

This garden is designed to express the doctrine of Jodo Shinshu. (According to the 2006 survey survey of Nomura Garden Research Institute, Buddhist teachings at Honganji Temple)

Considering the relationship with the Japanese garden, Jodo Shinshu, whose founder is Shinran, is a religion of the people and is a garden of a dojo that preaches doctrines to rescue the people.

I would like to introduce two garden themes.


A parable that reveals the path from the world of wonder to paradise for those who wish for the Pure Land, based on the two rivers of water and sun.

・ Easy / difficult road

The teaching of the Nembutsu that the Amida Buddha's application, which is likened to a ship, will lead to the Pure Land.

Garden composition

The Akada family garden has a stone structure that resembles the Amitabha triad on the southern Tsukiyama, and this is regarded as the Paradise Pure Land. The route to Sukhavati Jodo is expressed as Nigabyakudo, easy road / difficult road, and there is Kameshima and Tsurushima with a pond in the center.

The garden is shaped according to the gently sloping terrain from west to east, with a wide pond in the center and artificial hills to the west and south of the pond.

The west side of the artificial hill is made of cut soil to cover the mountain range, and the south side is made of embankment to make the east and west corners particularly high.

The pond seen from the house side is wide in the foreground and continues deeply to the left back, but the composition has been devised, such as providing a protrusion on the cape on the right hand side in the middle, and entering the right back and providing a part on the river.


* Shinran's teachings:



Garden_Amida Sanzon

​Amida Sanzon

Garden_Enma Daiou

​ King Enma

Garden_Futagawa White Road/Pier






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